miércoles, 25 de marzo de 2015

Conversation Class: Talking about Occupations

Talking about Occupations

Listening and conversation:
A: What do you do for a living?

A: What is your occupation?
B: I'm a____(mechanic)___________.
A: A____(mechanic)_____________? That must be a lot of work.
B: It is. Every day I ___(fix)_____ ___(cars)______.
A: How interesting. How many___(cars)_____ do you __(fix)____?
B: I ___(fix)_____ about __(8)____ __(cars)____ every day.

What is your job?

What do you do for a living?


Match the occupation with the daily activity.
  1. Mechanic
  2. Teacher
  3. Dentist
  4. Doctor/Nurse
  5. Journalist
  6. Fisherman
  7. Gardener
  8. Chef/Cook
  9. Fire fighter
  10. Photographer

  1. catch fish
  2. take pictures
  3. fix cars
  4. cook meals
  5. pull teeth
  6. plant flowers
  7. put out fires
  8. take care of patients
  9. teach classes
  10. write news stories

Play the game: How much will you bet?

Do today's World English crossword puzzle
Sing song of the week

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Guia Pronunciacion Ingles Audio Page 23